The Archive
The most comprehensive collection on the life and work
of Willy Fleckhaus
Since the early 1990s, Carsten Wolff has been intensively involved with the work of Willy Fleckhaus. Since that time he has been collecting intensively and has been able to add many significant and extraordinary pieces to the archive. Sincere thanks for this go to the family of Willy Fleckhaus, the widow Ulla Fleckhaus, the children Nelly, Daniel and Sebastian and Anne Moecke, the sister of Fleckhaus. They have all contributed to the unique position of this archive through generous donations and valuable advice. Carsten Wolff continues to purchase for the archive in order to be able to document as completely as possible the entire creative phase from the Fährmann in the 1940s to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin in 1983.
The archive also includes many unique items such as sketches, glued layouts, photographs, correspondence and personal calendars and address directories. In addition, there are many thousands of books, magazines, posters and advertising materials from around 1940 to the present. These include the well-known classics, such as twen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin and the book series for the publishing houses Insel and Suhrkamp, as well as lesser-known items, such as the magazine kulturrevue for the German Foreign Office, his corporate design for Ilford, the programs and posters for Schauspiel Köln and much more. So there is a lot to discover!
In the medium term, the collection will also be made accessible online. Currently, only a personal visit to the archive is possible. Write me which aspects of Willy Fleckhaus’ work interest you and I will get back to you with suggested dates.